Pacific Ocean :Do you Know these amazing facts | Sep 4,2020,11:21 AM IST

The Pacific Ocean got its name from the explorer Ferdinand Magellan. He called the ocean “mar pacific”, which meant peaceful sea. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet. It covers more than 30% of the earth’s surface. It spans 60 million square miles from California to China. Photo Credit : Graphicstock


The Pacific Ocean is located between Americas to the East of the Pacific Ocean basin and the Asian and Australian continents to the West. The Equator divides the Pacific Ocean into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Photo Credit : Graphicstock


The closer to the equator the warmer the water’s temperatures. Water near the poles reaches the freezing point! There are more than 25,000 islands in the Pacific. Photo Credit : Graphicstock


The Pacific Ocean is also home to the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is the largest in the world and stretches more than 1,429 miles. This important area is now protected as a World Heritage Site.Photo Credit : Graphicstock   


The Pacific is the deepest ocean. It has extremely deep trenches including The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.It's the deepest known spot on the planet—deeper than Mt. Everest is tall.  The Pacific basin is called the “Ring of Fire” because of the area of earthquake and volcanic activity around its edges.


Vietnam is located on the eastern margin of the Indochinese peninsula and occupies about 331,211.6 square kilometers, of which about 25% was under cultivation in 1987. Vietnam borders the Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and Pacific Ocean.